Orthodontic consultation
Treatment planning according to the Balance treatment concept
The orthodontic consultation in our practice in Hannover and the subsequent treatment planning according to the Balance treatment concept can answer the following questions, among others:
How is posture related to the condition of the dental, oral and maxillofacial organs and how can posture be improved via the proper adjustment of this organ?
Total body correlations
What causes from the dental, oral and jaw area can be responsible or partly responsible for tension headaches, migraines, facial pain, shoulder pain, restricted neck movement, back pain and knee pain?

Which esthetic goals related to tooth position and external facial aesthetics are compatible with or beneficial to health, and which are detrimental? What treatment options are compatible with an individual’s daily routine? What parameters influence the appearance of your teeth? Which invisible treatment methods are available individually?
Concentration / Habits

Treatment options
When is the optimal treatment time for these measures? Should I wait with a treatment?

Interdisciplinary treatment
What beneficial additional therapies are recommended? Through close interdisciplinary cooperation with our dental colleagues, orthopaedists, chiropractors, osteopaths and manual therapists, we integrate the knowledge and possibilities of other professional groups into the orthodontic treatment of our patients and decide individually whether such co-therapy makes sense in each individual case.