Orthodontics with Balance since 1983
It is easier to dismantle an atom than a prejudice.
Albert Einstein
Who gets along with nature won’t be harmed by it.
Henry Miller
Essentially, it is always the
connections between people, that give our life meaning.
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Health isn’t everything but without health everything is nothing.
Arthur Schopenhauer
I would rather go insane because of the truth than be sane through a lie.
Bertrand A. W. Russel
The only thing nicer than health is healing.
Dr. rer. Pol. Gerhard Kocher


We are one of the most renowned practices in Hannover with over 30 years of experience. Our enthusiastic Staff consists of many trustworthy members that have been with us over many years will fulfill your wishes with the utmost reliability and perfection. We look forward to inspiring your elation for our practice!


Invisible treatment

With modern materials and innovative treatment methods an orthodontic treatment is possible at any age and even completely invisible!


Craniomandibular dysfunction

Headaches, facial pain, migraines, vertigo, neck tension as well as knee and back problems often have a close correlation with functional disorders of the jaw and should be treated respectively.


Treatment for adults

A lot of people have the misconception that orthodontic treatment is only meant for children and teenagers. We want to explain to you that there are cases where orthodontics can have an immensely positive effect not only on your aesthetics but also on your posture and your resulting overall health.


Patented Long Term Stability

Perfect treatment results will be retained and side effects are avoided due to our innovative patented Balance® retainer.


Children & adolescents

How can orthodontics help you? Especially children and adolescents experience whole body benefits from correcting tooth and jaw positioning.